Report creation options, Report creation wizards, Another report – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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Report creation options

Each time you create a new report, you have three options:

Use a Report Creation Wizard.

Use another report as a model.

Create a report from scratch.

You will probably use each option at some time.

Report Creation Wizards

The Report Creation Wizards help create reports as quickly as possible and
many new users and developers alike prefer to create the majority of their
reports using them. All you have to do is choose the wizard that most closely
matches your report type. The wizard walks you through the process of
creating reports step-by-step.

Another report

To build a new report based on one that already exists, another report can
be used as a model. Open the report you want to use in this way by selecting
the Open File option and save it to a new file using Save As (found on the
File menu). This method is useful to:

Create a new report with a different grouping or different record selection
than that of an existing report.

Reconstruct a report based on an earlier time period using the same
report structure used today.

Create an entirely new report based on a set of databases that are linked
in another report. You can create a report and delete the fields without
disturbing the underlying links. Then, without relinking, you can build all
your new reports based on this report.

Crystal Reports also lets you format a report by applying a template. See

Using a template

for more information.


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

Introduction to Reporting


Report creation options