HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 632
For a string parameter field, you can choose to enter an edit mask in the
Edit mask field, rather than specifying a range.
An edit mask can be any of a set of masking characters used to restrict
the values you can enter as parameter values (the edit mask also limits
the values you can enter as default prompting values).
You can enter any of the following masking characters, or any combination
of them:
"A" (allows an alphanumeric character and requires the entry of a
character in the parameter value).
"a" (allows an alphanumeric character and does not require the entry
of a character in the parameter value).
"0" (allows a digit [0 to 9] and requires the entry of a character in the
parameter value).
"9" (allows a digit or a space, and does not require the entry of a
character in the parameter value).
"#" (allows a digit, space, or plus/minus sign, and does not require the
entry of a character in the parameter value).
"L" (allows a letter [A to Z], and requires the entry of a character in the
parameter value).
"?" (allows a letter, and does not require the entry of a character in
the parameter value).
"&" (allows any character or space, and requires the entry of a
character in the parameter value).
"C" (allows any character or space, and does not require the entry of
a character in the parameter value).
". , : ; - /" (separator characters). Inserting separator characters into
an edit mask is something like hard coding the formatting for the
parameter field. When the field is placed on the report, the separator
character will appear in the field object frame, like this: LLLL/0000.
This example depicts an edit mask that requires four letters followed
by four numbers.
"<" (causes subsequent characters to be converted to lowercase).
">" (causes subsequent characters to be converted to uppercase).
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Advanced parameter features