Running a silent installation – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 45
Subfeatures are listed below each feature. A subfeature can have a different
type of installation than its parent feature.
Running a silent installation
A silent installation is one that you can run either from the command line or
by use of a response file to automatically install Crystal Reports on any
machine in your system, without the installation program prompting for
information during the installation.
The silent Crystal Reports installation is particularly useful when you need
to perform multiple installations and do not want to interrupt people who are
working on machines in your system. You can also use the silent installation
command in your own scripts. For example, if your organization uses scripts
to install software on machines, you can add the silent Crystal Reports
installation command to your scripts.
The silent installation is not available from the Crystal Reports Setup
program and is intended only for experienced administrators of Crystal
When you perform a silent installation, you accept the Crystal Reports
end-user license agreement by default. You can find a copy of the license
agreement in the Docs folder of your product distribution.
Silent installations are intended for new installations; do not use them for
Command line silent installation
The silent installation command consists of the command setup.exe,
followed by a number of parameters that provide information about the
installation. The following example creates a sub-directory /Crystal
and installs Crystal Reports into it:
setup.exe ADDLOCAL=ALL CLIENTLANGUAGE=<%langcode%>
STALL.LP.<%langcode%>.SELECTED="1" REBOOT=ReallySuppress
PIDKEY=<%keycode>% INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business
Objects" /qn
Replace this variable with a valid language code from
the following table.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Installing Crystal Reports 2008 SP3
Running a silent installation