Sql databases, Consideration 1 – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
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You can only push down AND clauses (not OR).
SQL Databases
You can push down record selection on indexed or non-indexed fields.
Your SQL server will respond faster if you use indexed fields.
You can push down AND and OR clauses.
Record selection formulas containing some types of embedded formulas
can be pushed down.
You should incorporate SQL Expression fields to push down formula
calculations necessary for the record selection.
On the Database menu, click Show SQL Query to view the SQL that will
be sent to the database server.
Strategies for writing efficient record selection
This section assumes that you are familiar with the Select Expert and that
you are reporting off of a SQL database.
Consider the following points when creating a record selection formula:
Consideration 1
Any record selection formula that you generate completely with the Select
Expert, without writing pieces of the formula yourself, can be pushed down.
This case actually follows from the points below. However, you can write
more types of record selection formulas using the tips below than is possible
with the Select Expert. To do this, you need to edit the record selection
formula directly with the Formula Workshop or from within the text area that
appears when you click Show Formula in the Select Expert.
To open the Formula Workshop to modify record selection, click the Report
menu, point to Selection Formulas, and then select Record from the submenu.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
Using enhanced record selection formulas