HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 600

background image

Managed list of

Unmanaged list of values


Business Views

Command ob-

Report fields

Well suited.

You can define fil-
tering within the
source Business

Well suited.

You can define
filtering within a
command object.
(That command
objects return the
data for all levels
in the list is not a
problem for sin-
gle-level lists.)

Not well suited.

Because report
fields cannot be
filtered, any filter-
ing of the list that
you require must
be done outside
of Crystal Re-
ports in a
database view.

Single-level code
tables. (A table
that has hun-
dreds of semi-
static values in a
single level.)

Well suited.

based lists of val-
ues can support
both filtering and
level-by-level da-
ta retrieval.

Well suited.

Provided that the
total data volume
for all levels in
the list is not too
large. If there is
too much data,
you could en-
counter perfor-
mance issues be-
cause command-
object-based lists
of values retrieve
data for all levels
in one trip to the

Well suited.

Provided that the
data filtering is
done outside of
Crystal Reports,
report fields are
well suited to
multi-level cascad-
ing code tables
because they re-
trieve data one
level at a time.

Multi level-cascad-
ing code tables.
(A table that has
hundreds of se-
mi-static values in
multiple levels.)


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

Parameter Fields and Prompts


Understanding lists of values