Combining unrelated reports by using subreports, Combining two or more unrelated reports, To combine two unrelated reports – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 650: To combine three or more unrelated reports, Combining, Unrelated reports by using subreports
Combining unrelated reports by using
At times, you may wish to combine unrelated reports into a single report. For
example, you may want to create a single report that presents:
Sales grouped by sales representative.
Sales grouped by item.
While both reports deal with sales data, there is no real linear relationship
between the reports.
Subreports can be used to combine unrelated reports into a single report
like this. While the reports could be based on the same data set, they do not
have to be. They could each be based on entirely different data sets.
Each of these reports is free-standing; the data in any of the reports is not
linked in any way to data in another report. This is the easiest of the subreport
options to work with.
Combining two or more unrelated reports
To combine two unrelated reports
Create the report you want printed first as the primary report.
Import an existing report for use as a subreport or create a new subreport.
Place the subreport into the Report Footer and it will print immediately
after the primary report.
To combine three or more unrelated reports
Create the report you want printed first as the primary report.
Import or create each of the other reports you want to use as subreports.
Use the Section Expert to insert enough Report Footer sections to match
the number of subreports that you are using.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Combining unrelated reports by using subreports