Order data in a cross-tab object – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 435

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regions in each product group, then it seems to make sense to combine the
two. Doing that, you group first by Region and then by Product.

Each group contains orders for one product for one region. But the data is
all spread out and remains difficult to analyze. This information is useful, and
with a little work you can use a report like this to get the comparison
information you need. However, a Cross-Tab offers a better solution.

Order data in a Cross-Tab object

With Cross-Tabs, all the information you need is provided in a compact
format. The report shows the products sold in each region and what the unit
sales were. It is easy to see, for example, that Guardian XL "U" Locks are
not popular at all in BC but they are the biggest seller in Florida, or that
Alabama is being outsold by California in every lock category.

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Cross-Tab Objects

Cross-Tab example