Oracle – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 726
Crystal Reports lets you report on your Outlook data by providing the
translation files crdb_p2soutlk.dll and p2soutlk.dll. Because Outlook data is
stored in a flat file system, the translation file accesses it directly.
You must have Microsoft Outlook installed, or available through UNC
(universal naming convention) read-access. UNC is a standard format for
paths that include a local area network file server. The basic syntax is:
ACT! contact management software stores information in a relational
database format similar to the xBase format. See
Crystal Reports can read this data and lets you produce reports based on
your contact information.
ACT! databases newer than version 2
Versions of ACT! newer than 2 do not use an intermediate step in the
translation layer. The translation files used for all ACT! databases higher
than version 2 are crdb_p2bact3.dll, p2bact3.dll, and p2iract3.dll. For more
information, search for the topic called "ACT! databases" in the Crystal
Reports Online Help.
Crystal Reports supports direct access to Oracle SQL databases. This
accessibility is provided by the crdb_oracle.dll translation file. This file
communicate with the Oracle database driver, which works directly with
Oracle databases and clients, retrieving the data you need for your report.
In order for Crystal Reports to use Oracle SQL databases, the Oracle
client software must be installed on your system, and the location of the
Oracle client must be in the PATH statement of your Autoexec.bat file.
When logging on to Oracle using crdb_oracle.dll, the date format is
changed to match the default date/time format of Crystal Reports.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Accessing Data Sources
Direct access database files