Working with the formula workshop, Accessing the formula workshop – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 560
Search formulas
Search formulas help you locate data in your report. Like selection formulas,
you normally do not enter these formulas directly, but instead specify the
search criteria using the Search Expert. Crystal Reports generates the
formula. You have the option to manually edit these formulas, but you must
use Crystal syntax.
If you already know Basic syntax, you need to know only a small amount of
Crystal syntax to modify most selection and search formulas.
Running Total condition formulas
Running Total condition formulas let you define the condition upon which
your running total will be evaluated or reset. See
Alerting formulas
Alerting formulas help you define conditions and messages for report alerts.
Working with the Formula Workshop
You can create many different kinds of formulas in the Formula Workshop.
The workshop consists of a toolbar, a tree that lists the types of formulas
you can create or modify, and an area for defining the formula itself.
Search formulas and Running Total condition formulas are created and
maintained through the Search Expert and the Create (or Edit) Running Total
Field dialog box. These features open the Formula Workshop so you can
work with its familiar user interface, but you cannot add or maintain these
kinds of formulas directly from the main Formula Workshop.
Accessing the Formula Workshop
There are many ways to access the Formula Workshop. You see it when
you add new Formula Fields, when you define selection formulas, when you
work with custom functions, and so on.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Using Formulas
Specifying formulas