Paradox – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 721
Files created with Paradox (.DB) are made available to other applications
through the Borland Database Engine (BDE). The BDE does the actual work
with the Paradox data, retrieving the requested tables and fields. Since the
BDE works so closely with the actual data, it combines with the Paradox
database file to create the database layer in the three layer data access
model. Crystal Reports accesses the BDE through the crdb_p2bbde.dll
translation file.
Crystal Reports does not install the BDE. It must be installed separately from
a third-party application.
Microsoft's Data Access Object (DAO) Engine for versions of Access 2.0
and later is the part of the Microsoft Access Database Management System
that actually handles your database data. As a user, you usually do not work
directly with the DAO engine. It acts as a gateway through which Access
data is made available to applications. Since the DAO engine is so closely
tied to Access data, Crystal Reports considers it a part of the actual database.
DAO uses Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology to
provide access to Access data through an object-oriented approach.
In addition to Access database tables, Crystal Reports can open and use
Access queries through DAO. If you are not familiar with Access queries,
refer to your Access documentation. Search also for the topic called "Opening
Access queries through DAO" in the Crystal Reports Online Help.
Access Parameter queries and Cross-tab queries can only be opened
through an ODBC connection. Search for the topic called "Opening Access
queries through DAO" in the Crystal Reports Online Help for more
information. Access Action queries are not supported by Crystal Reports.
When opening Access queries in a report, make sure the Views and
Stored Procedures options are toggled on using the Database tab of the
Options dialog box in Crystal Reports. This ensures that the queries will
be visible when you open the Access database.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Accessing Data Sources
Direct access database files