The dependency checker – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
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entity.) When you choose this option, the Publish Object dialog box
For information about using this dialog box, search the Crystal Reports
online help for "Publish Object dialog box."
Use this option to remove a report, report package, or folder from the
projects area.
You cannot undo this option.
When you remove a folder, you remove all of the items in it at the
same time.
Use this option to rename a folder in the projects area.
The Dependency Checker
The Dependency Checker appears when you check a report or project for
errors in the Workbench, or when you select the command on the Report
menu for a report that you have open in Crystal Reports. The Dependency
Checker registers several types of errors:
Report part hyperlink errors
Repository object errors
Formula compilation errors
Errors listed in the Dependency Checker show the following information:
Error type.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Introduction to Reporting
Exploring reports and working with multiple reports