Subtotaling, Subtotaling data, To subtotal data – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
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Click OK to save your group sort.
When you are prompted to enter a number or percentage, enter the value
that you want, and click OK.
Your report appears with only the number of groups that match the value
you entered in your parameter prompt. To enter a different value, click the
Refresh button and choose "Prompt for new parameter values." The groups
in your report are refreshed to show the new value that you entered.
A subtotal is a summary that totals or sums numeric values in a group.
If you are creating a subtotal using database tables that are grouped in a
one-to-many linking relationship, you may need to use a running total instead
of a subtotal. See
Creating running totals in a one-to-many linking relationship
Subtotaling data
In this example you will subtotal Last Year's Sales by Country.
To subtotal data
Create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb, and place the
following fields from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{customer.POSTAL CODE}
{customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
Xtreme.mdb is located on the Business Objects Technical Support web
Right-click the Last Year's Sales field, point to Insert and choose
Summary from the shortcut menu.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling