Formatting a report for web viewing – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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Problems such as these may arise when you have:

Two identical printers, but each one is using a different printer driver.

Two different printers using the same printer driver.

Two different printers using different printer drivers.

One printer driver that uses the TrueType font and a second printer driver
that maps TrueType fonts to PostScript fonts.

Two identical printers using the same printer driver, but each one is
printing from a different version of Microsoft Windows.

Two identical printers using the same printer driver, but the printer drivers
are different versions.

Two identical printers, two identical printer drivers, and two identical
operating systems, but the resolution of the video drivers is different.

Therefore, while a document using one printer driver may require six full
lines to display a block of text:

Using a second printer driver that measures fonts narrower could result
in the same block of text requiring less than six full lines.

Using a third printer driver that measures fonts wider could require more
than six full lines.

The goal of the report distributor is to design reports that accommodate
printer driver dependency and still print consistently using different printer
drivers. To do this, Crystal Reports provides several design solutions. If taken
into account when creating your report, these solutions can ensure proper
printing and distribution for your report in almost any environment.

For reports that will be viewed online, you can avoid inconsistencies from
printer drivers by disabling the report's reliance on a printer driver. For more
information on disabling a printer driver, see

Formatting a report for web



Formatting a report for web viewing

If your report will be viewed online, you may choose to format your report
for web viewing. You can create custom page sizes and adjust margins for
a viewer's screen without being restricted to printer-specific settings. Disabling

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide




Using the Report Design Environment