Creating running totals, Creating running totals in a list, To create a running total in a list – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
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Creating running totals
Creating running totals in a list
Running totals are totals that can be displayed on a record by record basis.
They total all records (in the report, in the group, and so on) up to and
including the current record.
The most basic form of a running total is a running total maintained throughout
a list. In this tutorial, you will create this kind of report by setting up a running
total for a list of order amounts.
Running total fields are prefixed by the # sign.
To create a running total in a list
To get started, create a report using the sample database, Xtreme.mdb.
Link the Customer and Orders tables, and then place the following fields
from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{orders.ORDER ID}
Xtreme.mdb is located on the Business Objects Technical Support web
On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
Select Running Total Fields and click New.
The Create Running Total Field dialog box appears.
Enter the name "TotalOrders" in the Running Total Name box.
Highlight Orders.Order Amount in the Available Tables and Fields box,
and use the first arrow button to move it over to the Field to summarize
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Running Totals
Creating running totals