Grouping data in intervals, To group data in intervals – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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use the group selection formula:

Sum({orders.ORDER AMOUNT}, {customer.REGION})

% Sum({orders.ORDER AMOUNT}) < 5

Now when you print, only the regions that contributed less than 5% will

Grouping data in intervals

You may want to group your data into intervals. Age groups, time periods,
and sales categories are some of the interval groupings that can be created.
In this example, you will rank customers by the amount of business they did
in the previous year.

This example uses specified order grouping. This kind of grouping lets you
specify the records that will be included in each group. You define the
intervals you want and the program will do the rest.

To group data in intervals


Create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb, and place the
following fields from left to right in the Details section:

{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{customer.POSTAL CODE}
{customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}


Xtreme.mdb is located on the Business Objects Technical Support web



On the Insert menu, click Group.


Because you want to set up intervals based on the previous year's sales,
select Last Year's Sales as the sort-and-group-by field from the drop-down
list on the Insert Group dialog box.


Select in specified order from the second drop-down list.

The Specified Order tab appears in the Insert Group dialog box.

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling

Grouping data