HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 204
Make certain that all fields referenced in the record selection formula (the
selectors) are on the report physically and are not hidden.
For example, if one of the selectors is:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000"
but the {customer.POSTAL CODE} field is not used on your report (as in
the case of a sales report that uses the postal code to define territories
but does not include the postal code in the report data), then insert the
{customer.POSTAL CODE} field into the report.
Or, if one of the fields referenced in the selection formula is on the report
but is hidden, unhide it by deselecting the Suppress option in the Format
Editor for that field.
Print the report and verify that the data in those fields which are referenced
in the selection formula print satisfactorily. Make certain that all the data
prints. For example, if there are x total records in the database you should
have x records printing for each of the referenced fields. This establishes
a baseline against which you can compare the results of printing with the
selection formula.
When you are sure that you are getting satisfactory results without using
the selection formula, you can enter the selection formula using only one
of the selectors.
For example, to use this as the final selection formula:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000" and {customer.CONTACT
LAST NAME}[1] = "C" and {customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
>= 5000
this formula will select all of those records that show a Postal code greater
than 80000, a value in the {customer.CONTACT LAST NAME} field
beginning with "C", and a value in the {customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
field greater than or equal to 5000.
You might start with this as the first test selection formula:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000"
Print the report and evaluate the data that prints when you have only one
selector activated. Does the {customer.POSTAL CODE} field show only
ZIP codes greater than 80000?
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Record Selection
Troubleshooting record selection formulas