HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 73
Imagine that you are completing the following sentence:
Select all records where a customer's country is
You complete the sentence with the condition you want the program to
use when selecting records for your report. Right now the condition is
any value, which implies there is no restriction on the record selection.
Click the arrow on the operators box to see what other options you have.
Since you want only those records where the Country is USA, select the
is equal to condition.
A new box appears on the right. The dialog box sentence now reads:
Select all records where a customer's country is equal
All that you need to complete the sentence is the value USA.
Click the arrow on the empty list. A list of all the country values appears.
Select USA from the list.
The sentence now reads:
Select all records where a customer's country is equal
to USA
Click OK to return to the Design tab.
Click the Preview tab to review the results of your work.
The Change In Record Selection Formula dialog box appears.
Click Refresh Data.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Quick Start
Quick start for new users