About report alerts, Working with report alerts, Creating report alerts – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 546: To create a report alert
About Report Alerts
Report Alerts are custom messages created in Crystal Reports that appear
when certain conditions are met by data in a report. Report Alerts may indicate
action to be taken by the user or information about report data.
Report Alerts are created from formulas that evaluate conditions you specify.
If the condition is true, the alert is triggered and its message is displayed.
Messages can be text strings or formulas that combine text and report fields.
Once a Report Alert is triggered, it's not evaluated again until you refresh
your report's data.
Because Report Alerts are specific to each report, you decide when to use
them and when not to. They can be useful to point out important information,
such as sales that fall above or below a limit. And the message is created
by you, so it can be specific to your data.
Working with Report Alerts
This section focuses on the tasks you'll need to undertake in order to use
Report Alerts.
Creating Report Alerts
You must complete three steps when creating a Report Alert:
Name the alert.
Define the condition that triggers the alert.
Create the message you want to appear when the alert is triggered (this
step is optional).
To create a Report Alert
On the Report menu, point to Alerts and then click Create or Modify
The Create Alerts dialog box appears.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Report Alerts
About Report Alerts