HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 563
Opens the Formula Expert. Use the
Formula Expert to help you create a
formula based on a custom function.
This button is not available when creat-
ing a custom function.
Opens online help for the Formula
Workshop dialog box.
The buttons for the Workshop Tree Toolbar of the Formula Workshop perform
the following functions:
Lets you rename the selected formu-
la, custom function, or SQL Expres-
Deletes the selected formula, custom
function, or SQL Expression.
Expands the selected node in the
Workshop Tree. Also works with
multiple node selections.
Shows or hides report object nodes
in the Formatting Formulas folder if
the objects do not have formulas as-
sociated with them.
Opens the Add Custom Function to
Repository dialog box so you can
select the repository to add the cus-
tom function to.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Using Formulas
Specifying formulas