Sorting records within groups, To sort records within groups – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 223
For this example, enter this text:
If {?Sort Order} = "Ascending" then crAscendingOrder
else crDescendingOrder
Click Save and close to return to your report.
Click OK to save your group.
When you are prompted to select a Sort Order, select the option that you
want, and click OK.
Your report appears with groups for the field that you selected in the Insert
Group dialog box and sorted in the order that you selected in your parameter
prompt. To select a different sort order, click the Refresh button and choose
"Prompt for new parameter values." The groups in your report are resorted
to comply with the new order option that you selected.
Sorting records within groups
Once you have grouped your data, you can easily sort the records within the
groups to further organize the information.
To sort records within groups
Once the data is grouped, on the Report menu, click RecordSort
The Record Sort Expert appears.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
Grouping data