Using running totals in cross-tabs, To total down columns, To total across rows – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 448

background image

You return to the Format Editor dialog box.


Click OK to return to your Cross-Tab.

Your customized row and column names appear when the conditions you
set are matched.

Using running totals in Cross-Tabs

Running Total fields can be useful as summary fields in Cross-Tab objects.
Create your Cross-Tab as shown in

Creating a Cross-Tab report

, but choose

a running total field as your Summary Field.


You cannot use Running Total fields as columns or rows in a Cross-Tab.

If you want a running total that totals down the Cross-Tab's columns, you
must sort the records in the Cross-Tab by Column and then Row.

To total down columns


Right-click the blank top-left area of a Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab
from the shortcut menu.


On the Cross-Tab tab of the Cross-Tab Expert, make sure you have
added a Running Total field to the Summarized Fields area.


Click OK to return to the Cross-Tab in your report.


Click Record Sort Expert and sort your Cross-Tab by the field you

designated as a Column in the Cross-Tab Expert.


Create a second sort on the field you designated as a Row in the
Cross-Tab Expert.

If you want a running total that totals across the Cross-Tab's rows, you must
sort the records in the Cross-Tab by Row and then Column.

To total across rows


Repeat steps 1 to 3 of the previous procedure.


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

Cross-Tab Objects


Working with Cross-Tabs