HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Hp global workload manager 7.0 user guide

HP Global Workload Manager 7.0 User
This document presents an overview of the techniques and tools available for using Global Workload Manager servers (or
gWLM). It exposes you to the essentials and allows you to quickly get started with gWLM. This document is intended to be
used by HP Matrix Operating Environment system administrators, application administrators, and other technical professionals
involved with data center operations, administration, and planning. An understanding of HP-UX system administration concepts
and procedures is assumed.
HP Part Number: T8672-90025
Published: February 2012
Edition: 1
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP Global Workload Manager 7.0 User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Overview
- 2 Configuring gWLM to manage workloads
- 3 Monitoring workloads and gWLM
- 4 Security
- 5 Additional configuration and administration tasks
- Manually adjusting CPU resources
- Manually adjusting memory resources
- Setting aside space for historical data
- Backing up the HP Matrix Operating Environment database
- Setting gWLM properties
- Controlling gWLM’s startup behavior
- Automatic restart of gWLM’s managed nodes in SRDs (high availability)
- Nesting partitions
- Changing the gWLM resource allocation interval
- Using gWLM with Hyper-Threading
- Using gWLM with hosts on multiple LANs
- Creating “Golden Images”
- Multiple network interface cards
- Incorrectly configured host name or IP address
- Unable to create new native thread
- 6 Support and other resources
- A Compatibility with agents
- B Global Workload Manager A.7.0.0* Known issues
- Limitations
- Unpredictable management when removing GiCAP group members
- Localization behaviors
- Unable to manage partitions with inactive cells or deconfigured cores
- Unable to build a single shared resource domain
- Compatibility with PRM and WLM
- Rare incompatibility with virtual partitions
- Workloads in gWLM do not follow associated Serviceguard packages
- Host name aliases are not supported
- Making a configuration change to a large SRD is slow
- Events for gWLM CPU migration can affect System Insight Manager CMS performance
- Deleting workloads takes a long time
- Integrity VM prevents discovery of psets and fss groups
- Only workloads with managed siblings can be added to SRDs with nested partitions
- Configurations with Psets nested in virtual partitions rejected with vPars versions earlier than vPars A.03.05
- Information error during shutdown
- Managing fss groups on systems with psets restricts fss groups
- Custom metrics lost on redeploy
- Process placement using psrset is ignored
- iCAP compliance warning
- Major issues
- Documentation or minor issues
- Warning message displayed on non-partitionable machines
- Remove old configuration data from the gWLM database
- Cell-local processors and iCAP environment
- CMS is slow to respond
- Combining psets and virtual partitions
- Error during discovery of compartments
- Modifying Java while gWLM is running
- Missing or unexpected historical data (system clocks differ)
- Sample missing at start or end of gwlmreport output
- Workload with fixed policy gets more resources than requested
- Only one SRD is allowed to be deployed
- SRD deployment times out and displays a blank screen
- Application hangs in fss group
- Scripts not placed in correct workloads
- Processes moved to default pset or default fss group
- Sizes/allocations less than policy minimums for Virtual Machines
- Starting management of monitored workloads with pset compartments
- Unable to remove workload from nested partitions SRD
- Discovery does not show current information for stopped virtual machines
- Configuration of agent and CMS not synchronized
- Missing historical data (gWLM CMS daemon/service restarted)
- Negative current size for NONVM
- Unmanaging a Virtual Machine that is on leaves SRD undeployed
- Limitations
- Index