Failed to load database connector – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 755

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Failed to load database connector


The database connector is not available on the machine that is processing
the report.

The database client software required by the database connector is not
available on the machine that is processing the report.


Occurs when refreshing or previewing a Crystal report that does not contain
saved data.


Ensure that the database connector used by the report is installed on all
machines where the report can be run.

Ensure that the necessary database client software required by the database
connector is installed and in the PATH environment system variable on all
machines where the report can be run.

Failed to open the connection. Details:
[Database Vendor Code: number>]


The data source required by the report is unavailable or improperly
configured on the machine that is processing the report.

The database server required by the report is unavailable.

The database client is installed but improperly configured on the machine
that is processing the report. For example a DB2 database alias, Oracle
tnsnames entry or Sybase DSEDIT entry is missing or improperly

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Crystal Reports Error Messages

Failed to load database connector