Troubleshooting group selection formulas, To correct a group selection formula – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 227
Click Record to create a record selection formula.
- or -
Click Group to create a group selection formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
Enter your selection formula in the Group Selection Formula Editor.
The resulting formula must be Boolean; that is, it must return either a
True or False value.
Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identifies.
When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save.
When the program runs the report, it will include only those records or
groups of records that you specified.
Troubleshooting group selection formulas
In some cases, no values will print when using a group selection formula,
even though there are values that match the selection criteria. Typically, in
these cases:
The group selection formula references another formula.
The referenced formula is one that calculates the value of each group as
a percentage of the total value of all groups (in other words a subtotal as
a percentage of a grand total).
To correct a group selection formula
Use Xtreme.mdb to create a report that includes the following fields:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{orders.ORDER ID}
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
Grouping data