About the crystal reports documentation, Locate information quickly, Sample reports – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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Whether it's the web master in IT, the promotion manager in marketing, the
database administrator in finance or the CEO, Crystal Reports is a powerful
tool designed to help everyone analyze and interpret the information that's
important to them.

About the Crystal Reports documentation

The Crystal Reports documentation includes procedures for typical reporting
tasks such as placing fields, formatting reports, and sorting records. It also
contains information on more specific areas of interest such as advanced
formula creation and accessing different types of data. Use the documentation
as a reference for your basic reporting needs as well as an introduction to
new concepts in report creation.

Locate information quickly

Access online help from the Crystal Reports help menu.

Use the Contents tab to view all major sections in the online help and drill
down to specific headings within each section, the Index tab to view topics
in alphabetical order, and the Search tab to enter a keyword to view all
the sections that relate to the keyword.

Access a PDF version of the Crystal Reports documentation online at


The PDF version contains a subset of the topics found in the online help,
along with additional sections—such as a Quick Start—that can help you
learn Crystal Reports.

Sample Reports

Many topics in the Crystal Reports documentation include a list of related
sample reports. Use these reports to illustrate concepts the topic describes.
The sample reports can be adapted to your own needs.

Sample reports are located on the Business Objects Technical Support web


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Introduction to Crystal Reports 2008

About the Crystal Reports documentation