Opening and docking explorers – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 142

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Sort By

Use this option to sort the messages by type, number, description, or


Use this option to remove the selected message.

Clear All

Use this option to remove all of the messages.


Use this option to copy the message to the clipboard so that you can
paste it into another application.


Use this option to open the Dependency Checker tab of the Options dialog
box. Use this tab to select the conditions that you want to check for when
you run the Dependency Checker.

For more information about the options, search the Crystal Reports Online
Help for the topic "Dependency Checker tab (Options dialog box)."

Opening and docking explorers

Crystal Reports includes these explorers and tools that you can use to see
various reports and report objects:

The Field Explorer

The Report Explorer

The Repository Explorer

The Workbench

The Dependency Checker

Open any of these explorers by using the commands on the View menu or
the buttons on the Standard toolbar. If the explorer is closed, its command
or button opens it; if the expert is already open, its command or button sets
focus to it.


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

Introduction to Reporting


Exploring reports and working with multiple reports