HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 810

background image

running totals 260

creating 262

for a group 263
using formula 268

one-to-many linking 267


sample data 54
Save As dialog box 70
Save dialog box 70
saved data 168
Saved Data Indexes 711

choosing fields to index 713
considerations 713

saving reports 70
screen readers 760
Section 508, Rehabilitation Act 762, 787
sections 302

deleting 275
Details 109
identifying 111
inserting 275
making read-only 331
merging two related 276
moving 276
multiple in report 279
Page Header 109
Report Header 109
resizing 278
resizing to delete white space 347
splitting 278
suppressing to delete white space 347

sections, and accessibility 775
SELECT clause 701
Select Expert 193, 225

and Formula Editor 196
for group selection 225


multiple objects 323

selection criteria 72

selection formulas 177, 588

and performance 177
parameter fields 588
range limit conditions 673
saved data 199
saved data selection formulas 199
templates for 199
troubleshooting 203

Separated Values (CSV), exporting to 507
server-side processing 174, 704
servers, grouping on 186
shapes, adding 341
Shockwave Flash Objects (SWF) 425

binding to an Xcelsius SWF 427
inserting in reports 426
Xcelsius 426

showing dimension members 499
silent installation 45
Smart Linking 676

linking tables with multiple indexes 677

smart tags 543
snapping objects to guidelines 318
SOAP 1.2 33
sort field 210
sort orders 212

ascending 212, 218
descending 212, 218
original 218
specified 218
using parameter fields to set 630

sorting 186, 751

and performance 186
Bottom N 751
by record 210
group 751
groups conditionally 221
OLAP grid 501
on summarized group values 243
records 78
records within groups 223
reports 76
single fields 213


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
