HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 511

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Report Definition

The Report Definition format exports your report to a text file that contains
a brief description of the report's design view. This format is maintained only
for compatibility with Crystal Reports 5.0.

Rich Text Format (RTF)

The Rich Text Format (RTF) format is similar to the Microsoft Word (97-2003)

Separated Values (CSV)

The Separated Values format is a record-based, data-exchange format. It
exports the report object contents as a set of values separated by separator
and delimiter characters that you specify. (When a comma (,) is used to
separate fields, the format is known as Comma Separated Values (CSV);
this export format is popular among Microsoft Excel users.)

Like record-style formats, the Separated Values format also creates one line
of values for each record in your report. A record contains all of the fields in
each section of your report as seen in the Design view. That is, fields in the
Report Header section are exported first, followed by the Page Header
section, the Group Header section, the Details section, the Group Footer
section, the Report Footer section, and finally, the Page Footer section.

The Separated Values format cannot be used to export reports with cross-tabs
or OLAP grids; nor can it be used to export reports with subreports in Page
Header or Page Footer sections.

Tab Separated Text (TTX)

The Tab Separated Text format is similar to the Text format. This format
preserves the layout of your report but with some differences. In the Text
format, multi-line text objects are exported to multiple lines. In this format,
multi-line text objects are exported in a single line; all string values are
surrounded by double quotes (""); and the values themselves are separated
by tab characters. TTX files can be opened in Microsoft Excel.


Text format is a record-based format. Its output is plain text; therefore
formatting is not retained. However, this format can preserve some of your

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports

Distributing reports