HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 807
prompting (continued)
creating a dynamic prompt that cascades
creating a static prompt 602
overview 588
prompts 469
building 469
combining with filters 471
conditional attribute 350
conditional on/off 349
prototypes, developing on paper 97
publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise. See
Enterprise Folders 522
queries 463
building 463
creating a combined query 463
defining data selection 463
editing 466
filters 468
object quick reference 465
prompts 468
running 463
viewing SQL 467
query filters. See filters 468
query prompts. See prompts 469
equal count 391
equal ranges option 391
natural break option 391
standard deviation option 391
RDBMS applications 658
re-importing subreports 646
record reading process 750
performance tips 179
pushing down 178
setting up 192
using formulas 195
using Select Expert 193
record selection formulas 180, 226
advanced 180
creating 226
fine-tuning 205
for performance 177
strategies for writing 180
templates for 199
troubleshooting 203
unwanted spaces 206
uppercase/lowercase inconsistencies 205
using If statements in 207
working with parameter fields 588
Record Style (REC), exporting to 507
records 262
creating running totals 262
linking relationships 666
selecting 199
by character strings 199
by date 201
by numbers 200
with date/number/character
combinations 202
with preset date ranges 201
setting up selection 192
sorting 78, 210
single fields 213
within groups 223
refreshing data 588
parameter fields 588
report data 624
Rehabilitation Act, Section 508 762, 787
relational databases 658
index 662
reordering OLAP fields 500
Report Alerts 546
creating 546
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide