HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 479
The operator that specifies the rela-
tionship between the Filter object and
the Filter By object.
Because of database restrictions you
cannot use certain combinations of
operators and Filter By objects togeth-
er. For example, if you use the Equal
To operator with a Filter By object
that returns multiple values, the
database rejects the SQL because
this type of subquery requires the
Filter By object to return one value
In cases where the generated SQL
is rejected by the database, you see
an error message showing the error
description returned by the database.
An additional condition that con-
strains the list of values of the Filter
By object. You can use ordinary re-
port objects, predefined conditions
or existing query filters (including
subqueries) in the WHERE condition.
WHERE condition (optional)
If there is more than one subquery,
determines the relationship between
the subqueries.
AND - the conditions in all of the
subqueries must be satisfied.
OR - the conditions in any one of the
subqueries must be satisfied.
Relationship operator
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Building Queries
Filtering data using subqueries and database ranking