Creating a form letter using a text object, To create a form letter – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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Creating a form letter using a text object

The following section shows you how to create a form letter.

You are going to use a text object to create a form letter. The form letter you
create will be tied to a database table so that each letter will be customized
with company information from a different record.

If you have difficulty performing any of the steps, please see

Working with

text objects


To create a form letter

The letter will consist of a date, an inside address, a salutation, a one
paragraph letter body, and a closing section.


Create a blank report. Use the Customer table of Xtreme.mdb.

The Design tab appears.


Since you do not want field titles to appear above the fields that you insert
into the letter, clear the Insert Detail Field Headings check box on the
Layout tab of the Options dialog box.


Insert a text object into the Details section of the report.


Click the text object frame to put the object in move/resize mode.

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Multiple Section Reports

Form letters