Using conventional accounting formats, To use accounting conventions in a report – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
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Using conventional accounting formats
As a way of supporting the conventions used in the accounting profession,
Crystal Reports lets you decide on how to display the currency symbol,
negative values, and zero values on your financial reports. You can also set
up your report to reverse the signs for credit and debit amounts.
To use accounting conventions in a report
Right-click the currency field or number field you want to format to bring
up the shortcut menu.
On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
In the Style area, select how you want the system number format to
appear for either positive or negative values.
In the Currency Symbol (system default) area, specify how you want the
currency symbol to appear with the values on your report.
Click OK to save your changes.
To customize the accounting conventions for a report
Right-click the currency field or number field you want to format to bring
up the shortcut menu.
On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
Click the Customize button.
The Custom Style dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
Select the Use Accounting Format check box.
Once you select this option, the following conditions occur:
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Working with absolute formatting