HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 372
pool of customer information. Viewing all of this data on an XY Scatter chart
would allow you to speculate as to why certain products were selling better
than others or why certain regions were purchasing more than others.
A radar chart positions group data, such as countries or customers, at the
perimeter of the radar. The radar chart then places numeric values, increasing
in value, from the center of the radar to the perimeter. In this way, the user
can determine, at a glance, how specific group data relates to the whole of
the group data.
A bubble chart (an extension of the XY Scatter chart type) displays data as
a series of bubbles, where the size of the bubble is proportional to the amount
of data. A bubble chart would be very effective with the number of products
sold in a certain region; the larger the bubble, the greater the number of
products sold in that region.
A stock chart presents high and low values for data. It is useful for monitoring
financial or sales activities.
Crystal Reports offers two possible formats for stock charts: High-Low and
High-Low-Open-Close. Each of these types requires a series of values in
the order specified in its name.
Numeric Axis
A numeric axis chart is a bar, line, or area chart that uses a numeric field or
a date/time field as its "On change of" field. Numeric axis charts provide a
way of scaling your X-axis values, thus creating a true numeric X-axis or a
true date/time X-axis.
A gauge chart presents values graphically as points on a gauge. Gauge
charts, like pie charts, are typically used for one group of data (for example,
the percentage of sales for the entire inventory).
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Charting concepts