HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 798

background image

designing reports (continued)

inserting (continued)

sections 275
special fields 125
text objects 126

linking two or more database tables 120
manipulating data 94
merging related sections 276
modifying chart legend text 386
moving sections 276
multiple columns 305
organizing data 131
placing 373

charts 373
data 122
database fields on 122
formula fields 123
maps 394
parameter fields 124
running total fields 125
special fields 125
SQL expression fields 123
text objects 126

printing characteristics 95
record selection 131
resizing 64, 346

fields 64
sections to add white space 346
sections to delete white space 347

selecting multiple objects 323
spacing between text-based objects 315
splitting and resizing sections 277
suppressing sections to delete white space


using 109

Design Tab areas 109
HTML Preview Tab 117
multiple sections in 279
OLAP grid objects 486
Preview Tab before printing 112

with the Design Tab 108

details fields 375

charting on 375
creating maps on 395

Details section 109

hiding 169, 170


showing and hiding members 499

direct access database 717

files 717
linking 676
tables 676

disabilities. See accessibility 760
DISTINCT clause 701
docking explorers 142
Dot Density map 391
doughnut chart 370
drilling down

on summarized data 132
with chart legends 374
with charts 374
with maps 395

dynamic prompting, overview 592


edit mode (text objects) 283
embedded fields, suppressing blank lines 312
Embedded Summaries 458
embedded, vs. linked objects 422
enforced both 686
enforced from 685
enforced join options 686

enforced both 686
enforced from 685
enforced to 686
not enforced 685

enforced to 686
Enterprise folders 522

opening reports with 523
saving or publishing reports to 524

Enterprise Hyperlink

Creating 542


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
