HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 811

background image

sorting (continued)

Top N 751
with SQL expressions 188

sorts, adding to OLAP grid 501
spacing between text-based objects 315

indenting lines 321
selecting the grid 316
using the grid 315

special fields, inserting 125
specified sort order 218
SQL 696

and Crystal Reports 700
database considerations when linking 673
databases 673, 737

using 696

databases via ODBC 737
DBMS 699
join types 678
language 701
server-side grouping 705
stored procedures 177, 700
using expressions 185

SQL expression fields 123

creating 123
for Case Logic 188
for performance 185
placing on reports 123
when to use 185

SQL Expressions tab 123
SQL link types 678
SQL query, editing 700
SQL statements 701

DISTINCT clause 701
FROM clause 701
GROUP BY clause 703
ORDER BY clause 703
SELECT clause 701
WHERE clause 702

SQL, viewing 467
standard deviation option, Ranged map 391
standard group headers, creating 253
Standard Report Wizard 55

stock chart 370
stored procedures 700

and performance 177

subquery 477

building 477
defined 476
parameters 478

subreports 640

adding captions to 654
and accessibility 767, 776
and SQL databases 673
caution when using 170
creating on-demand 653
different views of same data 655
for performance 170
inserting 644
linked vs. unlinked 641
linking 172, 647

to data in primary reports 647
to main report without modifying

selection formula 649

manually updating 647
one-to-many vs. database links 641
previewing 645
re-importing 646
saving as primary report 645
updating linked reports 646
using 650

to combine unrelated reports 650
with unlinkable data 651

when to use 640

subtotal fields, charting on 377
subtotaling grouped data 248
summarized data, drilling down on 132
summarized group values, sorting 243
summarizing grouped data 241
summary fields, charting on 377
summary information, adding 67
summary reports, for usability 169
Sybase Adaptive Server 727

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

