Index – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 793

background image


3-D Riser chart 370
3-D Surface chart 370


absolute formatting 330
Access 720

database 720, 736
via ODBC 736
via the DAO Engine 721

accessibility 760

and BusinessObjects Enterprise 784
and Crystal Reports 760
benefits of 760
design considerations 763
guidelines 762
resources 787

accounting conventions, using 343
ACT! database 726
ActiveX Data Objects 728
adding 504

calculations to OLAP grid 504
filters to OLAP grid 503

ADO 728
ADO .NET DataSet 33
Alerts. See Report Alerts 546
alias 659
alignment, modifying for cells 450
and accessibility 777
applications, installing 36
architecture 697

client/server 697
relational model 658

area chart 370
areas, identifying 111

ascending sort order 212, 218
assistive technology 760

creating 499
restoring symmetry 499

attribute properties, conditional 350


background colors, formatting (rows/columns)


bar chart 370

zooming 384

Bar Chart map 391
barcodes 363

adding 363
changing the appearance of 364
removing 365

Basic syntax

creating formula 572

batch size, lists of values 618
BeforeReadingRecords 750
bitmap image objects 151

adding to repository 151
inserting from repository 154
linked 424

blank lines 281

deleting 281
suppressing 312

BLOB fields 127
borders 331

adding 331
changing 385

for charts 385
for maps 410

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide