Reapplying the last template selected, To reapply the last template selected, Using template field objects – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 297

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To remove a template, you must use this option; the Undo command is
not available from the Edit menu.

Reapplying the last template selected

If you want to reapply the last template you selected during a session of
Crystal Reports, you can simply select an option on the Template Expert.

To reapply the last template selected


On the Report menu, click Template Expert.


Another way to do this is to click the Template Expert button on the

Expert Tools toolbar.


Choose Re-apply the last template and click OK.

Using Template Field Objects

You can use Template Field Objects to create more flexible report templates.
These report objects do not refer to existing database fields; you simply put
them in your template report and format them as you require. When you
apply the template to another report, Crystal Reports displays that report's
data with the formatting you specified. Therefore, when you design a template,
you don't have to know what data might be in the report you'll eventually
apply it to—you use Template Field Objects to take care of the possibilities
for you.


Template Field Objects are applied only to result fields: database fields,
parameter fields, SQL statements, and formulas. Special Fields are not
considered result fields.

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide




Using a template