HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 802
groups (continued)
creating (continued)
custom 220
running totals 263
running totals using formula 268
editing 241
selecting with Select Expert 225
sorting 243
on summarized values 243
records within 223
sorting conditionally 221
subtotaling 248
guidelines 317
designing with 317
inserting 317
positioning objects with 320
resizing objects with 320
snapping objects to 318
viewing 317
headers 253
creating standard group 253
custom group, creating 256
drilling-down 257
live group headers 254
suppressing 257
height, modifying for cells 450
hiding 499
dimension members 499
group headers 257
report objects 307
highlighting exceptions and accessibility 771
Highlighting Expert 356
conditional formatting 357
setting priorities 359
histogram chart 370
horizontal pages 345
numbering 345
repeating objects 344
HTML Preview Tab 117
HTML, exporting to 507, 519
hyperlink fields, inserting 128
If-Then-Else with Case Logic 188
images 151
adding to repository 151
dynamic 420
inserting 127
from repository 154
in a report 420
importing text-based objects from a file 315
indexed tables 662
linking 676
indexes, for performance 174
Informix 737
database 737
Online Server 727
via ODBC 737
inner join 679
Insert menu
OLE object 419
Picture command 419
installing 40
create installation point 40
Crystal Reports 36
custom installation 43
from a network 41
from a product distribution 37
requirements 37
silent installation 45
upgrading components 52
installing, database clients 735
intervals, grouping data in 229
Java Database Connectivity. See JDBC 740
Java Naming and Directory Interface. See JNDI
JDBC data sources 740
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide