HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 808

background image

Report Alerts (continued)

deleting 550
editing 549
referring to in formulas 551
viewing 550

Report Definition (TXT), exporting to 507
report design environment

design solutions 302
importing text-based objects from a file 315
placing multi-line, text-based objects 314
placing text-based objects 310
pre-printed forms 305
section characteristics 302
setting page orientation and paper size 326
setting page orientation by section 326
TrueType fonts 328

report design, key strategies 163
report experts. See experts 55
Report Footer, section 109
Report Header, section 109
report objects and accessibility 764
Report Part navigation 529
Report Part Viewer 526
Report Parts 526

Context Report Part scenarios 538

report prototypes, designing 98
report sections 60, 274

adding 274
deleting 274
Details 109
Group Footer 109
Group Header 109
merging 274
moving 274
Page Footer 109
Page Header 109
printing characteristics 95
Report Footer 109
Report Header 109

reporting 750

multi-pass 750
two-pass 750

reports 330

absolute formatting 330
adding 134

a title page 134
summary information 135

basic design 90
changing 659

database locations 659
database names 659
map borders 410
map titles 403

combining two unrelated 650
conditional formatting 348
creating 54

new 57
new with Quick Start 82

creating an OLAP report 487
deciding on content 90
deleting sections 275
design considerations for performance 166
exporting 507

to a disk file 514
to an application 512
to an Exchange folder 515
to Lotus Domino 516
to Microsoft Mail 518

faxing 506
finding data 92
formatting 131

data 131
with a template 294

formatting for web viewing 329
formula fields on 123
Group Tree, to display 114
grouping 217

data 217
records 131

how OLE objects are represented 417
inserting 60, 128

database fields 60
hyperlink fields 128
OLE objects 416


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
