9400 highline | parameter setting & configuration – Lenze E94AxHE Servo Drives 9400 HighLine (Firmware 01-37) User Manual
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Firmware 1.37 - 09/2006
9400 HighLine | Parameter setting & configuration
Service code (C338)
Service code (C379)
Service code (C395)
Service code (C396)
Service code (C397)
Service code (C468)
Service code (C512)
Service code (C513)
Service code (C514)
Service code (C515)
Service code (C516)
Service code DataFlash (C1213)
Service password (C4)
Setpoint interpolation (C2550)
Setting for test mode (C399)
Setting the error response
SF_dnMotorAcc_x (C2692)
SF_dnSpeedAdd_s (C2693)
Signal source - speed setpoint (C275)
Signal source - torque setpoint (C276)
Software limit pos. effective (C2700)
Software limit positions (C2701)
Source position setpoint (C2680)
Speed act. val. time const. (C497)
Speed controller D component (C72)
Speed controller gain (C70)
Speed controller output (C694)
Speed controller reset time (C71)
Speed follower
% signals (C2694)
Dig. signals (C2695)
Speed has been limited
Speed limitation (C909)
Speed setpoint (C2572)
Speed setpoint (C50)
Speed setpoint (C692)
Speed unit (C2537)
S-ramp time - stop function (C2611)
S-ramp time lim. speed (C2711)
Starting torque 1 (C2586)
Starting torque 2 (C2587)
Starting torque source (C2588)
State bus
Status - fan control (C587)
Status DCTRL control input (C878)
Status displays
Status input monitoring (C2583)
Status manual jog (C2638)
Status word 1 (C150)
Status word 2 (C155)
Status word dig. inputs (C2803)
Status word dig.outputs (C2802)
Status/control word MCTRL (C156)
STP_bStopActive (C2617)
STP_dnState (C2616)
Structure of safety instructions
Switching frequency (C18)
Switching frequency reduction
Sync- cycle time (C1121)
Sync phase position (C1122)
Sync source (C1120)
Sync window (C1123)
Sync-PLL increment (C1124)
System bus
System error messages
System task
Task overflow
System task 1
Task overflow
System task 2
Task overflow
System task 3
Task overflow
Technology applications
Temperature for spec. characteristic (C1191)
Temperature inside the controller (C62)
Test mode - motor control (C398)
Test torque (C2594)
Therm. motor time constant (C128)
Thermal motor load (I²xt) (C66)
Threshold - mains recov. detect. (C185)
Threshold - undervoltage (LU) (C174)
Threshold for max. motor current (C620)
Threshold max. speed reached (C596)
Threshold motor phase failure (C599)
Time error - controller interface
Time unit (C2533)
Torque (C57)
Torque feedforward control
Torque follower
% signals (C2698)
Dig. signals (C2699)
Torque setpoint (C56)
Torque setpoint (C696)
Total speed setpoint (C691)
Total torque setpoint (C695)
Touch probe detection
Traversing range (C2528)
TTL encoder signal evaluation (C427)
Unit (C2525)
User task 1