9400 highline | parameter setting & configuration – Lenze E94AxHE Servo Drives 9400 HighLine (Firmware 01-37) User Manual
Page 675

Firmware 1.37 - 09/2006
9400 HighLine | Parameter setting & configuration
CAN module is missing or incompatible
Digital frequency module is missing or incompatible
Ethernet module is missing or incompatible
ICM module missing or incompatible
Module changed during operation
Module has been changed
Module is defective or missing
Module is missing or incompatible
PROFIBUS module is missing or incompatible
Wrong module
Negative direction of rotation limited
Negative limit switch has triggered
Negative software limit switch overtravelled
New applications loaded
No heartbeat signal detected
No parameters for module in MXI1
No parameters for module in MXI2
Number of CRC cycles (C618)
Offset actual pos. value/setp. (C2578)
Operating mode brake (C2580)
Optimise response to setpoint changes
Overcurrent detected
Parameter error information (C217)
Parameter set
Variant conflict
Version conflict
Parameter set faulty
Parameter set loaded
Parameter set restored
Parameter set saved
PDO mapping (MXI1)
Faulty configuration
PDO mapping (MXI2)
Faulty configuration
Permissible angle of rotation (C2595)
Permissible direction of rot. (C2707)
PF_dnMotorAcc_x (C2685)
PF_dnSpeedAdd1_s (C2686)
Phase controller gain (C254)
Phase currents (C55)
Pointer access in impermissible memory area
Pos. contr D comp.(C2555)
Pos. contr. limitation (C2556)
Pos. contr. output (C2558)
POS_dnProfileSpeed_s (C2676)
POS_dnState (C2675)
POS_dwActualProfileNumber (C2674)
Position controller gain (C2553)
Position encoder
Module selected under C00490 not available
Position encoder (C490)
Position encoder mounting direction (C2529)
Position follower
% signals (C2687)
Dig. signals (C2689)
Pos. signal (C2688)
Position setpoint (C2552)
Position setpoint (C2573)
Position target outside the software limit positions
Position value faulty
% signals (C2677)
Dig. signals (C2679)
Pos. signals (C2678)
Positioning modes
Positive direction of rotation limited
Positive limit switch has triggered
Positive software limit switch overtravelled
Power section is defective
Power section is not compatible
Power stage has been changed
Power-on time meter (C179)
Profile chaining with velocity changeover (overchange)
Program auto-start (C2104)
Program name (C2113)
Program runtime (C2109)
Program status (C2108)
Project not available
Project not loaded
ProjectList.dat file is faulty
ProjectList.dat file is invalid
ProjectList.dat file is missing
ProjectSelection.dat file is faulty
ProjectSelection.dat file is invalid
ProjectSelection.dat file is missing
Quick stop
Dig. signals (C2619)
Quick stop by (source) (C159)
Quick stop deceleration time (C105)
Quick stop S-ramp time (C106)
Rated motor power (C81)
Read error - service register
Red. brake chopper threshold (C181)
Ref. acceleration 1 (C2645)
Ref. acceleration 2 (C2647)
Ref. blocking time (C2650)