1 initial commissioning, Initial commissioning, C 65) – Lenze E94AxHE Servo Drives 9400 HighLine (Firmware 01-37) User Manual

Page 65: 9400 highline | parameter setting & configuration

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Firmware 1.37 - 09/2006


9400 HighLine | Parameter setting & configuration

Motor interface

Initial commissioning


Initial commissioning

An initial commissioning of the motor is required if the motor data in the memory module

of the controller and the »Engineer« project is not suitable for the application.


The following stepwise instructions can be used as "check list" to adjust the motor

correctly to the controller.


Detailed information on the individual steps can be found in the following



1. Read out the motor data of the controller or select them via the »Engineer« motor catalog.

• When the motor connected to the motor has an electronic nameplate (ENP), all motor data are

automatically read out of the ENP and a selection from the motor catalog is not required.

Read the

motor data out of the controller

(C 66)

• If a motor without ENP or an external motor is used, the motor data can be selected via the

»Engineer« motor catalog.

Select motor in the »Engineer« motor catalog

(C 66)


Accept/adapt route data


(C 69)


Parameterise motor encoder


(C 70)

When an external motor is operated on the controller:

• Only in case of a synchronous motor:

Set rotor displacement angle


(C 71)

• Only in case of unknown motor parameters:

Optimise the switching performance of the inverter


(C 73)

Set motor parameters


(C 75)


Define currents and speed limits


(C 78)


Select switching frequency


(C 79)


Optimise current controller


(C 81)

• Required since the controller parameters depend on the maximum switching frequency needed. The

default values of the motor catalog only represent theoretically calculated approximate values.


Save parameter set


(C 57)

8. Save »Engineer« project.