9400 highline | parameter setting & configuration – Lenze E94AxHE Servo Drives 9400 HighLine (Firmware 01-37) User Manual
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9400 HighLine | Parameter setting & configuration
Firmware 1.37 - 09/2006
CAN on-board
CAN result - bus scan (C393)
CAN RPDOx identifier (C321)
CAN RPDOx monitoring time (C357)
CAN RPDOx Rx mode (C323)
CAN SDO client node address (C374)
CAN SDO client Rx identifier (C375)
CAN SDO client Tx identifier (C376)
CAN SDO server node address (C377)
CAN SDO server Rx identifier (C372)
CAN SDO server Tx identifier (C373)
CAN slave/master (C352)
CAN status (C359)
CAN status DIP switch (C348)
CAN sync transmission cycle time (C369)
CAN sync-Rx identifier (C367)
CAN sync-Tx identifier (C368)
CAN telegram and error counter (C360)
CAN TPDO1 mask byte x (C311)
CAN TPDO2 mask byte x (C312)
CAN TPDO3 mask byte x (C313)
CAN TPDO4 mask byte x (C314)
CAN TPDOx cycle time (C356)
CAN TPDOx delay time (C324)
CAN TPDOx identifier (C320)
CAN TPDOx Tx mode (C322)
Capacitor temperature (C68)
Check configuration (C225)
Code number has been assigned twice
Combination Memory module/device not possible
Combination MXI1/MXI2 not possible
Combination of module in MXI1/device not possible
Combination of module in MXI2/device not possible
Communication error between device and device
Communication task
Standstill > 3 s
Config. analog input 1 (C34)
Connection table in use
Control card
Supply voltage (24 V DC) too low
Control card is defective
Control card is defective (UB18 neg.)
Control card is defective (UB24)
Control card is defective (UB8)
Control card is defective (VCC15 neg.)
Control card is defective (VCC15)
Control card is defective (VCC5)
Control card is not compatible
Control mode (C2567)
Pulse inhibit is active
Controller command status (C3)
Controller commands (C2)
Controller configuration (C2570)
Controller in STO state
Controller inhibit by (source) (C158)
Controller initialised
Controller is enabled
Controller load (Ixt) (C64)
Conventions used
Copyright information
Correction of the leakage inductance
Brake chopper overload (C1203)
DC bus overvoltage (C1205)
Heatsink overtemp. (C1208)
Housing overtemp. (C1209)
Ixt overload (C1204)
Mains switching (C1206)
Power section overload (C1212)
Temperature > C00126
Temperature sensor defective
CPU temperature (C69)
Current controller feedforward control (C74)
Current controller gain (C75)
Current controller reset time (C76)
Current position (C2656)
Cycle (C2536)
Cyclic task
Standstill > 60 s
Data type
DC bus overvoltage
DC bus undervoltage
DC bus voltage (C53)
DC-bus capacitor
Temperature > CXXXXX
Temperature sensor defective
Decel. time - stop function (C2610)
Decel. time lim. speed (C2712)
Deceleration has been limited
Delay lim. speed (C2710)
Delay time for TPx (C2810)
Depth - current setpoint filter (C272)
Device name (C199)
Device state (C183)
Device util. warning threshold (C123)
Device utilisation Ixt > 100 %
Device utilisation Ixt > C00123
DeviceCFG.dat file is faulty
DeviceCFG.dat file is invalid
DeviceCFG.dat file is missing