Lenze PLC Designer R3-x User Manual
Engineer/ plc designer, Ä.oqjä
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Engineer/ PLC Designer
- Contents
- 1 About this documentation
- 2 Safety instructions
- 3 Preconditions
- 4 The Controller-based Automation system
- 5 Commissioning
- 6 Which Lenze application samples (AppSamples) exist?
- 7 Working with the sample projects
- 7.1 Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed
- 7.2 Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning
- 8 Extending sample projects - adding devices
- 9 Overview of device descriptions
- 9.1 Inverter Drives 8400 BaseLine C - Actuator Speed ("speed actuating drive")
- 9.2 Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine C - speed actuating drive
- 9.3 Inverter Drives 8400 HighLine C - table positioning
- 9.4 Inverter Drives 8400 TopLine C
- 9.5 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C speed actuating drive
- 9.6 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - table positioning
- 9.7 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - torque actuating drive
- 9.8 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - electronic gearbox
- 9.9 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - synchronism with mark synchronisation
- 9.10 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - positioning sequence control
- 9.11 9400 regenerative power supply module
- 9.12 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - "empty application"
- 9.13 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices
- 9.14 Lenze generic drive
- 10 Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters
- 11 The L_DAC_DataConversion library
- 11.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks
- 11.2 L_DAC_GetBitOfByte - conversion block
- 11.3 L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord - conversion block
- 11.4 L_DAC_GetBitOfWord - conversion block
- 11.5 L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte - conversion block
- 11.6 L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord - conversion block
- 11.7 L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord - conversion block
- 11.8 L_DAC_SetBitOfByte - bit operation
- 11.9 L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord - bit operation
- 11.10 L_DAC_SetBitOfWord - bit operation
- 11.11 L_DAC_BitsToByte - bit multiplexer
- 11.12 L_DAC_BitsToDWord - bit multiplexer
- 11.13 L_DAC_BitsToWord - bit multiplexer
- 11.14 L_DAC_ByteToBits - bit demultiplexer
- 11.15 L_DAC_DWordToBits - bit demultiplexer
- 11.16 L_DAC_WordToBits - bit demultiplexer
- 11.17 L_DAC_2BytesToWord - type converter
- 11.18 L_DAC_2WordsToDWord - type converter
- 11.19 L_DAC_4BytesToDWord - type converter
- 11.20 L_DAC_DWordTo2Words - type converter
- 11.21 L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes - type converter
- 11.22 L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes - type converter
- 12 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library
- 13 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library
- 13.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks
- 13.2 L_LCB_Error
- 13.4 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_CAN (internal use)
- 13.5 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_ETC (internal use)
- 13.6 L_LCB_8400Drive
- 13.7 L_LCB_9400Drive
- 13.8 L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed
- 13.9 L_LCB_TablePositioning
- 13.10 L_LCB_GenericDrive
- 13.11 L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n - signal converter
- 13.12 L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a - signal converter
- 13.13 L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter
- 13.14 L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r - signal converter
- 13.15 L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n - signal converter
- 13.16 L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n - signal converter
- 13.17 L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v - signal converter
- 13.18 L_LCB_Speed_vToSpeed_s - signal converter
- 13.19 L_LCB_TaskCycle - read in task time
- 13.20 L_LCB_GetAxisData - read out machine parameters from axis data
- 13.21 L_LCB_GetPosition - conversion block
- 13.22 L_LCB_GetSpeed - conversion block
- 13.23 L_LCB_SetAxisData - machine parameters
- 13.24 L_LCB_SetPosition - position value conversion
- 13.25 L_LCB_SetSpeed - speed value conversion
- 13.26 L_LCB_AccToUnit - acceleration value conversion
- 13.27 L_LCB_PosToUnit - position value conversion
- 13.28 L_LCB_SpeedToUnit - speed value conversion
- 13.29 L_LCB_UnitToAcc - acceleration value conversion
- 13.30 L_LCB_UnitToPos - position value conversion
- 13.31 L_LCB_UnitToSpeed - speed value conversion
- 14 Automatically generated functions
- 14.1 GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 14.2 GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 14.3 GetNumberProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 14.4 GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 14.5 GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 14.6 GetVersion (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 14.7 GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«)
- 15 Index
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