IAI America XSEL-S User Manual
Page 454

Chapter 7
7.3 Error List (MAIN application)
In the panel window, the error numbers follow E in the display.
Error name
Description, action, etc.
B17 Parameter
register busy error in
slave command issuance
Driver special command ACK has timed out in the slave
command issuance.
B18 Device number error
There is an error in the device number
B19 Unit type error
There is an error in the unit type.
B1A ABS reset indication error
There is an error in the selection in the ABS reset using the
option function, etc. (Ex: Simultaneous selection of two or
more axes, or selection of the axis except for that of the
ABS encoder, etc.)
B1B EtherNet non-closed socket open
Without closing the socket, it was tried to get open again.
B1C EtherNet I/F used in other task
The channel already open in another task is tried to get
open again.
B1D EtherNet non-open error
The channel that is not open in its own task is tried to be
B1E EtherNet WRIT execution
duplicated error
WRIT command was executed by multiple tasks at the
same time to the same channel, or WRIT command was
executed again without CLOS command -> OPEN
command not being executed after WRIT was failed (due
to communication error, etc.).
B1F Ethernet job busy error
A new task was tried to be stared while the EtherNet mail
box control job is busy.
B20 Ethernet uninitialized device use
The Ethernet system tries to be used while the initialization
of the Ethernet devices has not been completed.
Check I/O parameters such as No. 123 to 159, 14, 15, and
so on depending on the purpose of use.
B21 Ethernet IP address error
An error will generate under the following conditions during
normal use.When IP address (H) (first octet) through IP
address (L) (fourth octet) are given as IP_H, IP_MH,
IP_ML and IP_L, the error conditions are described as
IP_H � 0 or IP_H = 127 or IP_H > 255
or IP_MH < 0 or IP_MH > 255
or IP_ML < 0 or IP_ML > 255
or IP_L � 0 or IP_L � 255
Check I/O parameters No. 132 to 135, 149 to 152, 154 to
157 or the integer variable connected IP address indicated
in IPCN command.
B22 Ethernet port number error
An error will generate if own port number < 1025, or own
port number > 65535,
or own port number duplication,
or connection-destination port number for client � 0,
or connection-destination port number for client > 65535,
or connection-destination port number for server < 0,
or connection-destination port number for server > 65535
is satisfied.
Check I/O parameter Nos. 144 to 148, 159, 153, and 158,
the port number of connection destination specified by an
IPCN command in an integer variable, or the like.
B26 Ethernet communication mode
It is the communication mode error.
l e
B27 Vision system specifying error�
The vision system I/F attempted to be used is different
from the vision system I/F that is currently used.
Release the used vision system (SLVS command
operation 1 [0]) before indicating a vision system I/F to be