IAI America XSEL-S User Manual
Page 442

Chapter 7
7.3 Error List (MAIN application)
In the panel window, the error numbers follow E in the display.
Error name
Description, action, etc.
6A9 RC-gateway link initialization
timeout error
A timeout occurred while initializing the RC-axis link.
6AA RC-gateway DPRAM access
permission timeout error
The DPRAM access permission could not be obtained for
the specified time or longer.
6AB RC-gateway command issue
timeout error
A gateway command cannot be issued.
6AC RC-axis control JOB logic error
The logic of the RC-axis control job is invalid.
6AD RC-axis control command logic
Invalid RC-axis control logic
6AE Mounted-SIO operation mode
specification error
An invalid operation mode was set for the mounted SIO.
6AF Mounted-SIO RC-gateway function
selection parameter error
Invalid RC-gateway parameter setting
6B0 Mounted-SIO RC-gateway logic
Invalid logic during RC gateway initialization
6B1 RC-gateway unsupported error
(Mounted SIO)
The configuration of the RC gateway system is invalid.
6B2 RC-gateway I/O assignment
parameter error
Invalid assignment setting in the PLC through mode
6B3 RC-axis controlJOB timeout error No response was returned from the RC-axis within the
specified time.
6B4 RC-gateway emergency stop
mismatch error
The emergency stop status of the X-SEL controller does not
match the emergency stop status of the RC controller.
Check the connection.
6B5 Broken belt error
The drive belt in the actuator became broken.
6B6 Allowable time for exceeding
continuous-operation enable
torque over error
The torque command has exceeded the
“Continuous-operation enable torque” for the “Allowable
time for exceeding continuous-operation enable torque” or
6B7 Hardware-unsupported encoder
The FPGA of the encoder is not supported.
Check the versions whose FPGA is supported.
6B8 Driver-unsupported encoder error The driver of the encoder is not supported. Check the
versions whose driver is supported.
6B9 Servo ON error at encoder
multi-rotation data reset
An attempt was made to perform a multi-rotation data reset
on an encoder for which a multi-rotation data reset is not
permitted while the servo is ON.
6BA Encoder-count indetermination
factor detection error
An error was detected that makes the encoder count
6BB Deviation overflow error (Before
completion of home return)
The command cannot be executed.
Check if the operation is locked and also check the wiring,
encoder, motor, etc.
There is a possibility of mismatched electrical angle.
6BC Standstill deviation overflow error
(Before completion of home return)
While at standstill the axis may have moved due to an
external force, or its operation may have been locked
during deceleration.
This error may also generate when the operation is locked
during jogging (due to contact with an obstruction, contact
with a mechanical end while jogging before home return,
etc.) or upon detection of abnormal wiring, encoder failure
or motor failure during deceleration.
There is a possibility of mismatched electrical angle.
6BD Position data construction change
A change was made to the position data definition numbers
of axes parameter.
Initialize the position data and store it in the flash ROM.�