Intel CONTROLLERS 413808 User Manual
Page 123

413808 and 413812 I/O Controllers in TPER Mode
October 2007
Developer’s Manual
Order Number: 317805-001US
Address Translation Unit (PCI-X)—Intel
413808 and 413812
Inbound EROM
Write Request
Signal Target-Abort.
Target Abort (target) - bit 11
PCI Target Abort (target) - bit 1 ATUIMR bit 3
Unexpected Split
In the PCI-X mode, the transaction completes normally according to the invalid lower
address field or invalid byte count.
Unexpected Split Completion -
bit 19
a. Codes for bus mode in which this error response applies: PCI-X means PCI-X Mode 1 or PCI-X Mode 2, PCI-X2
means PCI-X Mode 2 only, Conventional means Conventional PCI Mode Only, and All means that the error
response applies in the Conventional, PCI-X Mode 1 and PCI-X Mode 2 modes of operation. MSI stands for
Message-Signaled Interrupts and refers to an Outbound Write transaction that is actually an MSI write
b. Table assumes that Parity Error Response - bit 6 of the ATUCMD register is set.
c. Table assumes that Data Parity Recovery Enable - bit 0 of the PCIXCMD is clear.
d. When a correctable or uncorrectable data error occurs in PCI-X Mode 2, the ECC Logging registers consisting
of the
ECC Control and Status Register - ECCCSR
, the
ECC First Address Register - ECCFAR
, the
, and the
ECC Attribute Register - ECCAR
are updated with additional information
about the ECC error.
e. When the SCE bit (bit 30 of the Completer Attributes) and the SCM bit (bit 29 of the Completer Attributes) are
set during the Attribute phase of a Split Completion Transaction, the transaction is a Split Completion Message
that is an Error Message. In this case, the Received Split Completion Error Message - bit 29 of the PCIXSR is
Table 18. ATU Error Reporting Summary - PCI Interface (Sheet 5 of 5)
Error Condition
(Bus Mode
Bits Set in
ATU Status Register
PCI-X Status Register
ECC Logging Registers
Bits Set in
ATU Interrupt Status
Register (ATUISR)
Interrupt Mask Bit in
PCI Bus Error Response (i.e., signal Target-Abort, signal Master-Abort etc.)