4 closing the oscillogram, 5 overlay function, Closing the oscillogram – Lenze 8400 User Manual

Page 627: Overlay function, Closing the oscillogram ( 627), 10 oscilloscope function

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Lenze · 8400 protec HighLine · Reference manual · DMS 3.0 EN · 03/2013 · TD05



Oscilloscope function


Managing oscillograms (measured data sets)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Closing the oscillogram

You can close an open offline data record at any time.

• After a data set is closed, it is no longer available in the Oscillogram list field. The oscilloscope

automatically displays the ONLINE data set.

• If the closed data set was included in the MERGE data set, its channels will be removed from the

MERGE data set.

Go to the Oscilloscope toolbar and click the

symbol to close the currently displayed

offline data record.


Overlay function

The overlay function serves to lay several characteristics from the currently loaded data sets on top

of each other, e.g. to compare signal characteristics from different recordings.

• If two or more data sets are loaded in the oscilloscope, e.g. the ONLINE data set and a data set

saved before in the project, a "MERGE" data set is automatically provided in the Oscillogram list


• If the merge data record is selected, the desired characteristics to be overlaid or compared can

be selected from the loaded data records in the Vertical channel settings group field.

• If an online data record is used in the merge data record, an update is carried out in the merge

data record in case of a renewed recording.

• Removing variables from an offline or online data record causes the characteristics in the merge

data record to be deleted.