2 filtering logbook entries, Filtering logbook entries, 9diagnostics & error management – Lenze 8400 User Manual

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Lenze · 8400 protec HighLine · Reference manual · DMS 3.0 EN · 03/2013 · TD05



Diagnostics & error management



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Filtering logbook entries

The logbook adds new entries to the ring buffer after they have been passed through a

parameterisable filter. This filter helps you to exclude certain events from being entered into the

logbook which would trigger a certain error response (fault, trouble, warning, information, etc.).


(bit 1 ... bit 6) includes a bit coded specification of the events which are to be entered into

the logbook. In the Lenze setting, all events are entered into the logbook.

Counter for multiple entries
In order to prevent the ring buffer from overflowing with identical errors with frequent occurrence

e.g. during commissioning, identical errors will not lead to new line entries in the configuration of

the logbook in the Lenze setting. Instead, one counter will be counted up for this error.

• The time of the error is always the time of its first occurrence. Hence, a new logbook line will

only be generated if a new error occurs.

• The error counter can be deactivated by resetting bit 9 in




Automatic recording of device-internal signals at the time the error occurs

For purposes of error analysis, two optional device-internal digital signals and an analog signal

(16 bit) can be recorded at the time the error occurs.

• The digital signals to be recorded are selected in





• Scaling of the value recorded: 0 ≡ FALSE; 1 ≡ TRUE

• The analog signal to be recorded is selected in



• Scaling of the value recorded: 16384 ≡ 100 %


Events with the "No response" setting are not entered into the logbook.