Add section and chapter numbering, Change the page numbering style, Common page numbering tasks – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual
Page 95

Last updated 11/16/2011
3 In the page number text frame, add any text that will come before or after the page number (such as “Page “).
4 Position the insertion point where you want the page number to appear, and then choose Type > Insert Special
> Markers > Current Page Number.
5 Apply the master page to the document pages on which you want the page numbering to appear. To apply master
pages, see “
To remove the page number from the first page in the document, you have two options. Either apply a different or the
None master, or override and delete the master text frame on the document page. Ctrl/Cmd+Shift-click a master text
frame to override it.
Change the page numbering style
By default, pages are numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3...); however, you can number pages using upper or
lowercase Roman (i, ii, iii...) or alphanumeric (a, b, c...) numbering. You can also number pages using preceding zeros.
Each part of the document that uses a different numbering style is called a section. For more information on sections,
see “
Use the Numbering & Section Options dialog box to change the page numbering style to use a different format. You
can also use this dialog box to restart page numbering or to start page numbering at a number you specify.
1 In the Pages panel, select the page where you want the new numbering style section to begin.
2 Choose Layout > Numbering & Section Options.
3 Specify options, and then click OK. See “
A section indicator icon
appears above the page icon in the Pages panel, indicating the start of a new section.
Note: If a number or letter appears before the current page number you inserted, it means a section prefix is included. If
you don’t want this prefix, deselect Include Prefix When Numbering Pages in the Numbering & Section Options dialog box.
Common page numbering tasks
InDesign offers several different features that help you create page numbering effects.
Add section and chapter numbering
Determine what kind of numbering you want to use for your document or book. For long documents, you can assign
chapter numbers. Each document can be assigned only one chapter number. If you want to use different numbering
within a document, you can define ranges of pages as sections; these sections can be numbered differently. For
example, the first ten pages of a document (the front matter) might use Roman numerals, and the rest of the document
might use Arabic numerals.
To do this:
Do this:
Add page numbering to documents in a book.
See “
Number pages, chapters, and paragraphs in a book
Add section numbers and chapter numbers.
See “
Add section and chapter numbering
Create running headers or running footers that use text variables
such as the create date, filename, or the current heading or title.
See “
Create a “Page x of y” effect in which x is the current page and y is
the total number of pages.
Insert a Current Page Number marker for x, and insert the Last Page
Number text variable for y (choose Type > Text Variables > Insert Variable >
Last Page Number).
Create a “Continued on page x” story jump.
See “